Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester

Polymeric Lightning Arrester

The AC Lightning Arrester According To The Place Of  Use:

LV Lightning Arrester Distribution Lightning Arrester Station Lightning Arrester
Capacitance Lightning Arrester Electric Motor Lightning Arrester Engine Lightning Arrester


Lightning Arrester
Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual voltage of kV (peak) 2000 S square wave current capacity (A) 4/ 10 current tolerance (kA) 0.75 times the DC reference voltage maximum leakage current (S) Creepage distance (mm)
Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation
YH5WZ-84/221 84 66 67.2 121 254 221 188 400 100 50 3150
YH5WZ-90/235 90 66 72.5 130 258 224 190 600
HY10WZ-84/221 84 66 67.2 121 254 221 188
HY10WZ-90/235 90 66 72.5 130 270 235 201
HY5WX-96/250 96 66 75 140 288 250 213
HY5WX-96/275 96 66 75 154 316 275 134 400
HY1.5W-72/186 72 110 58 103 186 174 400
HY1.5W-114/320 114 220 116 190 320 299 600


Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual voltage of kV (peak) 2000 S square wave current capacity (A) 4/ 10 current tolerance (kA) 0.75 times the DC reference voltage maximum leakage current (S) Creepage distance (mm)
Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation
YH5WZ-100/260 100 110 78 145 299 260 221
YH5WZ-100/266 102 110 79.6 148 305 266 226
YH5WZ-108/281 108 110 84 157 323 281 239 600 100 50 3340
YH10WZ-100/260 100 110 78 145 291 260 221
YH10WZ-102/266 102 110 79.6 148 297 266 226
YH10WZ-108/281 108 110 84 157 315 281 239
HY5WX-108/281 108 110 84 157 323 281 239 400
HY10WX-108/281 108 110 84 157 315 281 239 600


Low Voltage Lightning Arrester
Use arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than Lightning impulse current maximum residual voltage of kV (peak) 2000μS

Flow capacity of Fang Bo(A)


High current tolerance(kA)

0.75 Double DC reference voltage maximum leakage current(μS) Creepage distance(mm)
low pressure HY1.5W-0.28/1.3 0.28 0.22 0.24 0.6 1.3 75 25 50 50
HY1.5W-0.5/2.6 0.5 0.38 0.42 1.2 2.6
HY1.5W-0.8/2.7 0.8 0.75 0.72 1.2 2.7
Electric machinery HY2.5WD-1.3/3.6 1.36 0.66 0.96 1.8 3.6 200 40 50 75
HY2.5WD-2.6/7.2 2.6 1.14 1.9 3.6 7.2

Lightning Arrester

Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Capacitance Lightning Arrester
Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual voltage of kV (peak) 2000μS
Flow capacity of Fang Bo(A)
4/10 High current tolerance(kA) 0.75 times the DC reference voltage maximum leakage current (S) Creepage distance(mm)
Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation
YH5WR-5(3.8)/13.5 5(3.80) 3 4.0(2.0) 7.2 / 13.5 10.5 400 100 50 155
YH5WR-10(7.6)/27 10(7.6) 6 8.0(4.0) 14.4 / 27 21
YH5WR-17(12.7)/46 17(12.7) 10 13.6(6.6) 24 / 46 35 400

Polymeric Lightning Arrester

Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Motor Lightning Arrester
Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual pressure (peak kV) 2000 S square wave current capacity (A) 4/ 10 current tolerance (kA) 0.75 times the DC reference voltage maximum leakage current (S) Creepage distance (mm)
Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation
Motor HY2.5W-4(3.8)/9.5 4(3.8) 3.15 3.15(2.0) 5.7 10.7 9.5 7.6 200 65 50 115
YH2.5W-8(7.6)/18.7 8(7.6) 6.3 6.3(4.0) 11.2 21.0 18.7 15.0 225
HY2.5WD-13.5(12.7)/31 13.5(12.7) 10.5 10.5(6.6) 18.6 34.7 31 25 400
Distribution type YHSWS-12.7/50Q 12.7 10 6.6 25 57.5 50 42.5
YHSWS-17/50Q 17 10 13.6 25 57.5 50 42.5
Station type YHSWZ-12.7/45Q 12.7 10 6.6 24 51.8 45 38.2
YHSWZ-17/45Q 17 10 13.6 24 51.8 45 38.2
Alternator HY5WD-4(3.8)/9.5 4(3.8) 3.15 3.15(2.0) 5.7 9.5 7.6 75
HY5WD-8(7.6)/18.7 8(7.6) 6.3 6.3(4.0) 11.2 18.7 15 155
HY5WD-13.5(12.7)/31 13.5(12.7) 10.5 10.5(6.6) 18.6 31 25 400 100 50 400
HY5WD-20/345 20 15.75 15.75 28 45 36 650
HY5WD-23/51 23 18 18 31.9 51 40.8 780
HY5WD-25/56.2 25 20 20 35.4 56.2 45

Lightning Arresters

Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Distribution Lightning Arrester
Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual voltage of kV (peak)
Flow capacity of Fang Bo(A)
High current tolerance
0.75 Double DC reference voltage maximum leakage current(μS)
Creepage distance
Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation


HY5WS-5(3.8)/15 3.8 3 4.0(2.0) 7.2 15.5 15.0 12.8 200 65 50 145
HY5WS-10(7.6)30 10(7.6) 6 8.0(4.0) 14.4 131 15.0 12.8
17(12.7) 10 13.6(6.6) 724 51.8 30.0 25.6 400
HY5WS-26/66 26 20 20.8 37 70 30.0 25.6 650
HY5WS-34/85 34 24 27.2 47 89.5 23 31 780

Lightning Arrester

Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
Polymeric Lightning Arrester
35KV Lightning Arresters
Place the arrester Type of surge arrester Rated voltage of arrester (kV) effective value Nominal system voltage effective value (kV) Continuous operating voltage (kV) effective value The DC reference voltage of ImA (kV) is not less than The maximum residual voltage of kV (peak) 2000 S square wave current capacity (A) 4/ 10 current tolerance (kA) 0.75 times the DC reference voltage maximum leakage current (S) Creepage distance


Steep wave impulse current Lightning impulse current The impact of current operation
Station typeZ YH5WZ-51(42)/134 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134 114 400 100 50 1370
YH5WR-51(42)/134 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134 105
YH5WX-51(42)/134 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134 114
Line type YH5WZ-54/150(170) 54 35 43.2 77 169 150(170) 128
Line typeX YH5CX-51(42)/120J 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134 114
YH5CX-51(42)/1134J 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134
YH5CX-51(42)/150J 51(42) 35 40.8(33.6) 73(60) 154 134 105


54 35 43.2 77 169 150(170) 128
Neutral type YH1.5W-30/80 30 35 24 44 85 80 850
YH1.5W-60/114 60 110 48 85 102 95

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    Polymeric Lightning Arrester